Monthly Archives: July 2009

Dreaded Chores

It’s been a month since our helpers left to go home to their family in the province. We haven’t found a replacement yet. There were some referrals but they just didn’t match to what we needed.  So for about a month now, I have been doing all the house chores (with hubby’s help).

There are days when I feel so tired having to keep the house in order, and taking care of two kids, 6 and 2.  Luckily, I have survived one month. I didn’t exactly grow up being used to doing chores in the house. I grew up with two (or sometimes three) maids to help around the house. I only learned to really do stuff the day I got married. No regrets though.

Even right now, sometimes it feels even great to have no help around the house (the only exception I don’t feel this way is when I’m really really tired and I don’t get enough time to lounge around my computer)…  The kids are even learning to help around, and be more independent with no helper at their beck and call… which I believe is good.

I guess things would actually be a lot easier if there are chores which I don’t actually dread doing… and the top three tasks to get that award would be :
* Bringing out the garbage,
* Cleaning the toilet, and
* Ironing clothes.


Filed under Me, Myself and I