Category Archives: Photography

Learning = Photo Fun!

I’m officially done with my second day of photography classes last night.  Four more to go. The class was supposed to end at 10:00pm but we ended at 11:00pm. I didn’t mind though. It was fun and interesting.

This is the first photography class (ever) that I attended. Years ago, I never thought I’d be attending such a class, as photography wasn’t exactly on my list of things to learn…

Well, I love to look at photos and ever since I also love to take photos of different subjects – my family, kids, friends, travelled places, accessories (for our business), events and parties.  But that was it. All for posterity’s sake. I never considered myself to have the eye of a good photographer. It was my other sister who took lessons before and whom I know to have that “creative eye” for it.

But since studying Digital Arts three years back and working with Photoshop since, I started to appreciate good photos more. I enjoyed looking through artistic photographs, and became more interested. Not to mention that I also became interested to know how to capture  good photographs which I can make as subjects for my paintings.

And now here I am… and enjoying it!

We submitted our first photo project last night. Although we get to choose our own subject or theme, it still was a very difficult one for me having to consider all the criteria needed for the photo. I took a thousand photos (literally) of different themes in the last three days before I felt satisfied enough to submit one. Yes, we had to choose and submit ONLY ONE! The selection process actually gave me a headache.

This was the final selection I decided to submit…

It was good to hear all the critique – both good and bad. The good points, of course, made me feel good about what I did right, and the bad points didn’t actually bring me down but made me feel better since I got tips on what things to improve on.

And I believe that is what learning is all about… being open-minded and wanting to know where and what to improve on… and there will always be room!

Can’t wait for Day 3 on Friday… 😀


Filed under Me, Myself and I, Photography

I Love The New Instant.

I love polaroids! It’s fun to see a printout of your photo instantly.

I still can’t forget the first and only time I was able to try one. It was really cool! It was during hubby’s birthday 3 years ago. A friend of ours who works for Jagermeister brought his “special” polaroid. I say special because when the photo comes out, it’s already inside a Jagermeister photo holder. 🙂

Recently, I came across this site… and I found this new toy very cool! It’s the Polaroid PoGo (short for Polaroid-on-the-Go). It is to be released March this year at a suggested retail price of $199. I wonder how cool it is in actual.

Oh well, this one goes to my wish list. For now, I still have a prodigious bill to pay.

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Filed under Computers, Gadgets & "Techie" Stuff, Photography

The Anticipation Is Over.

But the excitement is not.

The camera finally arrived last night (or should I say very early morning today at about 1:00am). Like kids who couldn’t wait to open gifts, hubby and I opened each box and played with the camera, shooting here and there, until 2:30am.

I still need to practice and learn more about shooting with our new cam though.  We bought two lenses along with the camera, a fixed focal length of 50mm and a zoom lens of 17-85mm (with hood and filter), and a 430ex II flash. I also need to learn more about the proper use of the flash, but as it is right now, it is so fun to experiment. 🙂

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Filed under Computers, Gadgets & "Techie" Stuff, Photography


Well, I’m definitely over my iphone.

I’m just excited and can’t wait for our new gadget to arrive next week when my brother-in-law comes home from his vacation in the US.  We decided to buy it online from there since it comes out much much cheaper than buying it here.

Can’t wait to try it out.


Filed under Computers, Gadgets & "Techie" Stuff, Photography

PhotoHunt : Sad


Better by far you should forget and smile
than that you should remember and be sad.”
– Christina G. Rossetti

This is my eldest daughter trying to emote a sad look on her face while we were eating out and playing around with the camera. I love to take pictures of my family, friends and our gimmiks… which means we are all normally having fun. So this is probably the “saddest?” image I can find after rummaging through our photos. This one was really a photo hunt!

PH#9. Photohuntin’ since August 2008.


Filed under Family & Friends, Photography, PhotoHunt